Thursday, October 29, 2009

It's fun getting into trouble

You know, I thought that when I came to Vassar I would be very focused and do nothing but study all day and all night. However, that's not that case. I feel like at least half my time is devoted to having fun, and that isn't necessarily a good thing, considering that in the 2 months I've been at this institution, I've already managed to have to meet with the dean twice. Not once, but twice.

The first time was kind of my own fault. I got way too drunk at a party and had to go to the hospital. I ended up have a million different meetings with people ranging from doctors to counselors to the dean of students himself. I don't think I've ever been so embarrassed in my whole life. Not just with my serious lack of judgement, but with having to hang my head in shame while being lectured to by the person who I would only want to think that I'm a wonderful student.

The second time was just bullshit. Illegally downloading music? Come on now, who actually gets caught doing that. I didn't even know it was possible. Anyway, I cannot tell you how humiliating it was to meet with him for the second time. What was worse was the phone call home to my parents he had to make. My parents are paying a lot of money for me to go to this school, and I felt extremely guilty. Fortunately, my mother is a very forgiving person.

Anyway, I've come to this conclusion: You definitely need to have fun in college (and in life), but you need to have a happy medium between work and play. Too much of either one will result in serious consequences.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

To be and not to be, are the same and not the same

Hello! I never blog anymore, and I feel kind of guilty about that (although I don't know why that should make me feel guilty).

So, Vassar is great, and I knew it would be. My classes are very interesting (and hard). I think my favorite class is Philosophy. I've never taken Philosophy before, so I'm being introduced to new concepts and ways of thinking on a daily basis.

I have my car which is very convenient for going places that I need to get to. It also seems to be convenient for everyone else considering the fact that since I've brought my car to Vassar I've become a regular chauffeur. I don't mind giving people rides at all. I just didn't think they'd be requesting them quite so frequently. Gas is expensive, and I think I'm gonna start charging for my taxi service.

Oh, and I'm running for class treasurer! I've never been on student council, so I think this could be an exciting new experience. So vote for John LaRosa!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I just wanted to say that I love Vassar and I'm really sorry that I never blog anymore.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Apologies

So I feel really horrible (well, not THAT horrible) that I've gone so long w/o blogging. After all, I made a promise to all of you (and by "all of you" I mean the 2 or 3 people that read this) that I would be blogging very frequently this summer. But yeah, it just didn't work out like that. I was under the impression that this summer was going to be just like all my previous summers which means doing nothing but sleeping and relaxing. Turns out that this was a very eventful summer. I was extremely busy with my jobs of babysitting for my aunt and being a cashier at Panera. When I wasn't working (which was not very often), I tried to spend time with friends.

Anyway, to make up for such a long amount of time with no blogging, I'll make this an extra long post (you're welcome to stop reading here, if you'd like).

The Zoo!!

I like the zoo, but who doesn't? Probably people that don't like animals, and people who don't like animals tend to have undesirable personalities. But that's just my opinion. Of course, you may not like the zoo because you don't like to see cute little critters behind bars. That's understandable.

Anyway, I went to the zoo last month with my Auntie Anne. I enjoyed it very much because I haven't been there since I was a child. I love doing things that make me reminisce about the past.
Anyway, here's some pictures I took of the animals:

Big A, little a, what begins with A? Aunt Annie's Alligator A A A!

The Shore

I went to Wildwood, NJ last week with my family. I had a great time. I really love the beach and the rides at the boardwalk. But more importantly than all of that, I really love funnel cake, fried oreos, and fresh fries.

Other Random Stuff I did This Summer

I went to Dorney Park. High thrill rides=fun

I went tubing on the esopus with Maegan. It's always nice to spend time with your best friend, even when you're both worried about dying. One thing I've learned is that tubing on a river should be considered an extreme sport.

I had my graduation party. I didn't really want one, but I enjoyed getting to see certain members of my family that I haven't seen in years. I also raked in some serious dough which I will be blowing on a car to take with me to Vassar (I really don't want to have to be stuck on the college's grounds for the whole entire year despite the fact that Vassar is absolutely beautiful).

I went to some other people's grad parties. They were okay, I guess.

Oh, and one last thing: I had myself a little summer romance. Unfortunately, the whole thing turned out horribly, so I will not be discussing it at this time.

I'll be leaving for Vassar in 2 weeks. Excited? Hell yeah.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Let Freedom Ring

Happy Independence Day! Today marks the birth of the United States, when we were finally able to get away from those nasty British people with their crumpets and such. Haha, just kidding, I love English people, and I do enjoy a glass of some English tea every now and again.

Anyway, I just got back yesterday from my trip to Rochester. I have to say, I really enjoyed myself. I love spending time with my Aunt Anne and my cousins (minus Christopher) and Canidaguia lake is absolutely beautiful.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

As I Go On

So, I am currently in Rochester visiting my Aunty Anne after a very eventful couple of days. Friday was my graduation, and though I was expecting to not be sad at all, I find myself emotionally distraught. Something about this whole thing seems so final. I feel as though I'm leaving my youth behind. I'm sure we all could agree that high school was often a real pain in the osh kosh bagosh, but, despite that, I had some of the best times in my life in that building, and I know in the future I will only look back at that school with fondness. I haven't even been a Middletown alumni for more than a couple of days, and I am already yearning for the past.
Friday night was the all night grad party. I don't know if you could exactly say the party was hoppin', but it was kind of fun and it was nice spending time with people that you more than likely will never see again (how depressing).
The actual graduation was decent. Of course I would have loved to graduate on the new field, but at least our graduation was memorable. Mother nature was very upset with us for some reason.

Thursday was the scholarship award thing. The food was very excellent, but they could have made the whole process of giving out the awards a bit quicker. Oh, and we had to evacuate the premises due to a gas leak? Good thing it's something we're more than familiar with.

Anyway, my dad got some nice pictures at the graduation:

(I love my mommy)

So , I guess I'm leaving something behind as I go out into the real world (or the protective bubble of my college.) But I think I'm gaining much more. Independence, freedom, etc. I'm anxious to learn everything I can and to continue to develop and grow. I look forward to making new friends and cherishing the old ones, but more importantly, I look forward to seeing what life has in store for me.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


So, the one thing that may be worse than my job at Panera is babysitting my little cousins, Lauren and Christopher. Lauren is very well-behaved, but Chris is not. I would like to share a story with you of his abuse:

A couple years ago at my family's Easter get-together, I was sitting in my aunt's living room minding my own business when Chris decided to come in and bother me. However, this particular instance proved to be more unpleasant than the usual harassment I've grown accustomed to. He had this big long toy snake filled with these bean things (like the stuff they fill the beanie babies with?), and I guess he thought it would be fun to hit me in the face with it. After a few hits one of his friends was like "hey! let me have a whack!" and then THAT little devil started hitting me in the face, too! Anyway, I was very confused as to what I ever did to deserve such treatment, and I hastily retreated to one of the upstairs bedrooms to escape the whacking. But, the malevolent little tykes all ran up after me and started chucking hot wheels cars at me. I finally got away from them when I ran into the bathroom and locked myself in. I had to stay there for the majority of the remainder of the evening. I would have loved to retaliate, but it seems like every time I do I get yelled at by my aunt because he's younger than I am. He may be younger, but he still knows how to do horrible things to me with a bean filled snake. She thinks he's a precious gift from above, but I know that he is evil.

Anyway, I only bring this up because I am babysitting at this very moment. Fortunately, Chris is watching a show right now, so I have a moment of peace. If I survive the rest of the day, I'm going to go to Angie's going away party tonight. I hope she'll come back from Korea to visit.